Glassworks Productions
Welcome to Glassworks Productions!
Welcome to a friendly place for those who enjoy the peculiar in the mundane, the minor in the major and the silence which speaks louder than words. Even. This venture sets out to create Art.
Art, that wanders beyond the beaten [pun intended] paths of internet-based and print pornography.
Art, that provides a glimpse into the human experience of the sexual.
Art, that allows for a sneak peek into the deeper aspects of the human adventure.
and more...
Who is behind Glassworks Productions?
Glassworks Productions was founded in 2023 by two gentlemen from quite different walks of life: steelpain and eTa. The former being a locksmith by trade and an experienced content creator with a distinct interest in combining what on first sight appears to be a rather sharp contrast: rough metallic implements and the smoothness of the female body. The latter being something of a scholar with a long standing interest in the theoretical and practical research of the intersections of sexuality and religion.
What are the main areas of activity?
Currently the following activities are pursued:
Organisation of BDSM themed photography workshops
Creation of photographic and video online content
Provide location and custom scenery for X-rated content productions
Rental of custom gear and scenery items
Facilitation of workshops on BDSM and spirituality related topics
Publishing of a periodical that embraces Glassworks' and its valuable friends' various activities
Where does Glassworks Productions operate?
The Glassworks Productions photo studio and workshop rooms are located in a - by now somewhat post industrial - former glassware factory in a village below the eastern slopes of the scenic Gerecse mountain range - about an hour's drive from downtown Budapest or BUD airport likewise. Occasionally activities take place in the greater Berlin area too, yet the focal point of Glassworks is Budapest, Hungary.

Glassworks Productions, on site

Glassworks Productions, on site

Glassworks Productions, on site

Glassworks Productions, on site
the pillars
Sunai Institute
The visual landscape of steelpain is dominated by extreme scenery - featuring rusty iron, rotten wood and equipment used in industrial, agricultural and animal husbandry environments.
Its aim is to depict the female body in bondage - in places arranged to emphasize the notion of vulnerability. Thus exploring the contrast between the rusty, the crude and the beauty and attraction of the Feminine.
Steelpain pushes the boundaries of classic nude photography by creating excitement and erotic tension in unique and particular settings.
stat axis dum
volvitur orbis
The Sunai Institute is a research venture that sets out to explore the duality and doorways which are omnipresent in the conditio humana, yet veiled in social norms. Doing so through the lens of artwork - aided by scientific method.
Sunai explores the seminal concepts of Alpha, Omega and the mystical experience within Lamed. The Above and the Below, peculiarly emanating in dominance and servitude - called carnal alchemy by some.
The Institute does so by re-imagining (at times) classical and (at times) religious motifs, by pursuing its very own take on psychodrama and by creating the setting for that flow to commence and meticulously documenting results, by artistic means.
the work, visually

interested, are you?

Luxoria '24 Warm Up


interested, are you?
Sunai Institute

![[Scottish] morning glory.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/03e2df_f23fe94ffdf6491d90b9d1a3ba1a4bac~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_556,h_696,al_c,q_90,enc_avif,quality_auto/03e2df_f23fe94ffdf6491d90b9d1a3ba1a4bac~mv2.png)